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Kalina Mitraszewska
27 mar 20225 minut(y) czytania
5 Simple Ways to a Lead More Sustainable Lifestyle
Each of us has a significant impact on the environment. Production of one pair of shoes emits 14 kg of CO2 to the atmosphere,...
14 wyświetleń
Max O' Brien
27 mar 20221 minut(y) czytania
Esports - gaming is a sport
When someone mentions sports the first thing that comes to mind is football, basketball, tennis, athletics, swimming etc. Each of these...
11 wyświetleń
Marcela Zeszuta
27 mar 20222 minut(y) czytania
Diving as the key to the underwater sea world
Everybody has a passion, a thing that they want to spend every minute of their life on. There are many things that can give you joy and...
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Leire Matilla Orella
27 mar 202229 minut(y) czytania
The King of Northon
Part 2 - Back into The City of Northon In the previous part: The King goes to the city to check on his people one night. He stumbles upon...
20 wyświetleń
Antoni Michiewicz
27 mar 20222 minut(y) czytania
Today’s sport
Months have passed, and so another edition of our school’s newspaper needs to be released. I have picked to do a little recap of what has...
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Antoni Bujanowski
27 mar 20222 minut(y) czytania
Our school patron - who was he?
Jean Monnet was a war hero, a political genius, and most importantly, an inventor that we should thank for. Monnet had been involved in...
19 wyświetleń
Samorząd Szkolny Monnet International School
27 mar 20227 minut(y) czytania
Zwycięzcy Konkursu Translatorskiego
Z ogromną przyjemnością ogłaszamy zwycięzców konkursu na najlepsze tłumaczenie piosenek z lat 90-tych. 1 miejsce ex aequo otrzymali Julia...
25 wyświetleń
Zofia Juchniewicz
16 gru 20214 minut(y) czytania
How different people celebrate Christmas
Christmas is a different kind of holiday for everyone. Some treat it as a simple break from work, some as a family gathering, some can’t...
32 wyświetlenia
Kalina Mitraszewska
29 lis 20215 minut(y) czytania
Top 8 most interesting and non-standard diets
A diet is a way of food consumption associated typically with certain restrictions. The reasons for going on a diet vary, but some of...
34 wyświetlenia
Maja Orzeszyna
29 lis 20212 minut(y) czytania
Social anxiety – an everyday fear
Social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia, is a long-term overwhelming fear, present in social situations. It is a very common...
25 wyświetleń
Sophie Pilgrim
29 lis 20211 minut(y) czytania
The Collatz Conjecture
In 1934 a German Mathematician by the name of Lothar Collatz introduced a conjecture that is now known as “The Collatz Conjecture”. The...
30 wyświetleń
Zofia Juchniewicz
29 lis 20212 minut(y) czytania
Maria Skłodowska-Curie
Maria Skłodowska-Curie is one of the most influential people in the history of science and not only... Why is she so well-known till this...
18 wyświetleń
Leire Matilla Orella
29 lis 202134 minut(y) czytania
The King of Northon
Part 1 - Inside The City Walls It was an Autumn night, it was dark outside, dogs were barking, people were singing and the streets were...
23 wyświetlenia
Antoni Michiewicz
29 lis 20212 minut(y) czytania
The Greatest Major Final in History
A Major is a big thing for everyone who knows at least a little about cs:go. Every pro player wants to win this tournament, and although...
5 wyświetleń
Kasia Łada, Maja Korzeniowska
29 lis 20212 minut(y) czytania
Fall Vibes
The fall season has just started, the cold weather, rainy days and strong wind tend to put us in a bad mood. So the question is, how do...
25 wyświetleń
Antoni Bujanowski
23 lis 20212 minut(y) czytania
Mathematical theatre - The scientific wonders of an unknown world
Have you ever heard of mathematical theatre? You might say that “there’s probably some math involved in this,” or “my grades are way too...
25 wyświetleń
Group Work
11 cze 20212 minut(y) czytania
PYP exhibition
On Thursday October 8th, 4th grade students of Monnet International School started working on the PYP Exhibition – an amazing and last...
47 wyświetleń
Marcel Ziganshin
11 cze 20212 minut(y) czytania
Football in Art; Pablo Picasso And His Artworks Connected With Football
Spanish artist Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) was one of the most interesting and influential artists of the 20th century and a contributor to...
363 wyświetlenia
Group Work
10 cze 20213 minut(y) czytania
The Bees by Lenny Ashman
The bees are back. It is spring, after all, so that’s not surprising. Even though it had started, it doesn’t feel real just yet, like an...
18 wyświetleń
Izabela Bieńkowska
10 cze 20213 minut(y) czytania
Between London and Trinidad
As Robert Robinson wrote in his manifesto - ‘Ordinary poems won’t change the world’. In the work ‘Success is on you’, the artist presents...
8 wyświetleń
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