The longest-reigning British monarch, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II died Thursday September 8th, 2022, at the age of 96. The crown has been handed to Queen Elizabeth’s eldest son, now officially King Charles III. To honour such a long, eventful and for many, important reign, we would like to take you through her history, life and experiences.
Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor was born in 17 Bruton Street in Mayfair, London on April 21st, 1926. Her father was the Prince of York - Albert, later on King George VI. Her mother was Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. Elizabeth had a 4 years younger sister Margaret Rose. Their father used to say: “Lilibet is my pride. Margaret is my joy”.
When Elizabeth was 10 years old her grandfather King George V died. The throne was taken over by Edward, the Prince of Wales, who later abdicated. Elizabeth’s father then became King George VI. As a result, Elizabeth became the heir to the throne. With her father becoming the King, Elizabeth received the title of Her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth.
On July 22, 1939 Elizabeth and her parents were planning to visit the Naval Academy but the mumps epidemic broke out and the visit could not take place. A young officer was appointed as the guide and guardian of Princess Elizabeth. An 18-year-old officer Philip (born June 10th, 1921) made a great first impression on the Princess. On June 10th, 1947 the engagement of Philip and Elizabeth was made public. The wedding took place on November 20th, 1947. Elizabeth gave birth to four children: Charles, Anne, Andrew and Edward.
King George VI’s illness caused Elizabeth to take on more and more of his duties. On his behalf she and Philip travelled to the countries of the Commonwealth. Princess Elizabeth visited 15 countries, made 157 speeches, attended 135 receptions and 50 balls. When she was in Kenya, news came that her Father King George VI died in his sleep, of throat cancer, on February 6th, 1952. The royal couple immediately flew back to Great Britain. Elizabeth was announced Queen on Thursday February 7th, 1952 in St. James’s Palace. She was only 25 at the time.
The coronation took place in June 1953. It was the first British coronation which was broadcasted on TV. About 27 million British people watched it. The Queen had to get used to e.g. wearing the crown (by having it on her head during breakfast). When she left Buckingham Palace and got on the carriage to take her to Westminster, one of the bridesmaids asked her how she was feeling. “Wonderful” – the Queen replied. At 11 am Elizabeth entered Westminster Abbey. There were 7 thousand people waiting for her. Elizabeth headed for the wooden throne of Edward the Confessor where the coronation stone was located. The Archbishop of Canterbury announced to the assembled: “Gentlemen, I present to you Queen Elizabeth, your undeniable queen. All of you who came here to pay her homage and give her service. Are you ready to recognize her? God Save Queen Elizabeth.”. Queen Elizabeth II was the head of 15 countries. The number of states in which she reigned changed during her ruling. There were about 33 countries that recognized her as the head of state.
From a young age, the Princess was witness to multiple international conflicts. She spent most of her childhood in a Europe threatened by war and starvation, and her teenage years during World War II.
Still a Princess, Elizabeth engaged herself in the army. She trained as a driver and mechanic and was given the rank of Honorary Junior Commander in April 1945.
Crowned in 1952, the young Queen got to be a part of the reconstruction of Europe. In a country destroyed financially as well as mentally by war, Elizabeth inherited the task of reuniting a broken nation and giving back to all a well-deserved sentiment of stability.
It is believed by many that she performed her task as well as it was possible. Through the Cold War, the liberation of women, expanding gay and lesbian rights, immigration and Northern Ireland's Civil War, and of course her own internal dilemmas, Elizabeth stayed, distant, but persistent, always there.
The Queen was not a politician, and perhaps that is what made her so popular. No matter the crisis, no matter the situation, she was always present as a personification of stability for her country and the entire world.
If you are further interested in the British monarchy, we would really recommend watching a series called “The Crown”. Queen Elizabeth II was rather discreet about her personal life but it is said that the actresses who played her role captured her character rather accurately. You can find out about her personality and likings (e.g. she absolutely adored corgis and had more than 30 of them).
She was never supposed to be Queen and wanted a happier, more ordinary life, away from the public gaze. After all, the Queen was a person