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What makes me happy

Zara Edris 

I am an active person and I like sport. I tried a lot of disciplines, and I have discovered it makes me happy.

First of all, it allows me to make new friends who have the same interests. We spend a lot of time together. During the school year, we met at and after the trainings, and we support each other in competitions. During the holidays, we go on camps together.

Training different disciplines makes me stronger, which helps me try new activities.  For example, this summer I tried surfing with my Portuguese friends. It wasn’t a big problem for me to catch a wave because I developed balance and leg strength in my gymnastics and swimming lessons.

In winter, I also love skiing. I practice it during Christmas and winter holidays as well as on the trip organized by our PE Team. We had a lot of fun last year.

Our school gives us possibilities to try different sports. It helps us integrate and make friends at school. I found two friends in our school’s swimming team. In spite of concentrating on different disciplines, we still remain good friends.

Sport helps me reduce stress. During my first competition, I was very stressed, but with time I learned how to deal with it. Now I know what to expect and how to concentrate on my performance and having fun more then on rivalry. Doing sport helps me concentrate and deal with stress in other aspects of life and education. Recent studies have shown that kids who are very active, perform better at school. Sports help build character, manage time, and build teamwork and a sense of community.

Doing sport makes me happy. I recommend you try it, too.


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