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Human body as a complex organism can experience many things that other species can’t.

For example… well as complex as we are, all living things are capable of feeling scared or safe,

many animals can feel love and sadness.

But the one thing that is human is feeling hope.

Unfortunately, when I tried googling what hope really is all I was left were even more questions.

So, I decided to share with you what hope is, to save you trouble searching.

Hope is this feeling you have that is reassuring you that all will be better eventually.

Hope is that little light at the end of corridor that keeps you going.

Hope is the knowledge that after draught comes rain, after a night comes a day.

Hope is the little plant sprouting after volcanic eruption reassuring everybody around that it will be ok.

Hope is this feeling that tells you that one day it will be ok.

So, to sum up, my specach hope is what makes human.

It is what distinguishes us from other species, and it is what keeps us going.


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