Coffee shop
All waiting in the same line
Dreaming about getting to the register
Taking our so longed-for coffee and feeling finally one
The queue is so long
Someone gave up, didn’t want to go through it
We never saw him again
I’ve thought a lot about letting go too
Waiting seemed like a stupid thing to do
After all, how did I know, if at the end of the queue there was a coffee shop waiting for me to retrieve my little drink
The crowd hiding even the possibility to see whether something as a coffee even existed
Yet we all stayed there
Playing Chinese whispers
Each person passing the message to the one behind — that it is near
That it exists
And so, we stayed there
Was it naivety, or was it hope?
Yet for all the hurting that you experience in the line
Getting shoved by its atrocities
There is no greater joy
Than to arrive to the counter
And to revolt the coffee you so dreamed of
The coffee — happiness.
A year ago
The air running through my hair
The breath going in and out myself
The gentle movements of my hand as I turn the page of a book
What was I doing a year ago from now?
I would like to say I don’t remember,
But I do.
I recall it as perfectly as if it had happened yesterday
Hopelessness, loss,
Dry eyes from all the teardrops
What kept me there at that time — it is hard to say
It seemed then like the biggest carnage
A torture I myself imposed on my life when there was a simpler way out
Here I am now,
So grateful for having stayed in line
For having kept in me, then, something that seemed so abstract
Yet it allows me to be able to breath, write and laugh now —
That the future would bring days like today.
watching the fireplace makes me peaceful
the flames, fragile and unbothered,
move in the rhythm that pleases them
often I try to guess where the flame is gonna be next
she, however, always surprises me
finding herself in the most wondrous place
watching it, simply thinking, looking
I've come to think of the flames as of the events of my life
I would have never guessed, in a million years, that such a thing would happen to me
and that one flame which my heart was thinking of and my eyes looking at
who I thought was going elsewhere
found her place surprisingly near me
warming my heart
calming it with its sound
appeasing with its beauty