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Jan Cielicki

Object Class: Potentially Lethal

Description: SCP-0750 appears as an antique wooden rocking chair. Despite lacking any visible means of propulsion, SCP-0750 exhibits autonomous movement rocking back and forth. Attempts to immobilise SCP-0750 have proven ineffective.

SCP-0750 has displayed hostile behaviour towards anybody attempting to sit in it. Test subjects reported experiencing immense pressure on their necks as if being strangled.

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-0750 is to be contained in a steel-laden chamber measuring 5m x 5m x 5m. The chamber is to be equipped with high-resolution cameras. Due to its maliciousness and unpredictability, access to SCP-0750 is restricted to highly-trained personnel only. All personnel assigned to SCP-0750 are to strictly follow the Chamber Entering Procedure (CEP) rulebook.


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