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Alexandra Little & Helena Różańska

Object Class: Deadly

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-0666 is an old basement in a pre-WWII building. Nobody outside the authorised testing team and technical crew is allowed inside without supervision. The house has no occupants and is not allowed on the market.

Description: SCP-0666 is a 25m x 30m basement with a main chamber surrounded by multiple 5m x 5m windowless compartments. The only point of entry is a door with three locks on it, which leads to a spiral staircase connected to the main area. Compartments #1, #3, and #5 contain object associated with the reported incidents that have occurred within the confines of the area.

All of the previous occupants of the building have died of mysterious causes while in the basement, which is what drew scientific interest in the location. The most recent owners are known to have made the mistake of asking their four-year-old son to procure firewood from the basement by himself. The door shut the three locks, which the child was unable to force open. After two hours of struggle, the remaining family members heard the locks suddenly pop open, and decided to head downstairs only to find the child’s innards forcefully removed from his body in Compartment #3 (SCP-0666-3). Each of the other occupants of the building died not long after: the mother in Compartment #2, the father in #4, one of the twins in #1, and the other in #6.



Cadaver SCP-0666-M (‘The Mother’), found in Compartment #2: An adult woman, with no prior medical conditions, save for a pronounced rash over the entirety of her body, some of which developed into golf-sized tumours. Cause of death: asphyxiation, possibly due to an aggregation of tumour around her throat.

Cadaver SCP-0666-F (‘The Father’), found in Compartment #4: An adult man, with no history of mental health conditions. Found hanged (possible suicide) on a noose woven from the fabric from his own torn shirt. Cause of death: direct spinal cord injury.

Cadaver SCP-0666-T1 (“Twin #1), found in Compartment #1: A teenage girl. Found unresponsive, lying in the middle of the room, next to an empty bath tub. Cause of death: laryngospasm and pulmonary injury (drowning?). Caveat: Compartment #1 has no access to running water.

Cadaver SCP-0666-T2 (“Twin #2), found in Compartment #6: A teenage boy, found covered with fourth-degree burns over the entirety of his body, and hair and eyes severely damaged by heat. Cause of death: traumatic brain injury (lead pipe?)



SUBJECT: D-170, a 47 y/o white male

VARIABLES: Compartment #1, equipped with a bath tub unplugged to water supply

Test Results: The subject was voluntarily placed in Compartment #1. Cameras installed there prior to the experiment used to monitor D-170 actions registered no extraordinary behaviour for the first eighty-six minutes of the test until 17:00, when the camera feedback malfunctioned. Forced entry into Compartment #1 was attempted as screams could be heard from the inside. At 17:02, eighty-eight minutes into the test, entry was gained and camera feedback came back online. D-170 was found lying naked in the centre of the room. The autopsy revealed the cause of death to be laryngospasm and pulmonary injury (possibly due to drowning). No source or traces of water were found. NOTE: Compare with Autopsy Log SCP-0666-T1.



SUBJECT: B-360, a 16 y/o Black female

VARIABLES: Compartment #3, equipped with an inoperative paper shredder

TEST RESULT: The subject was voluntarily placed in Compartment #3 at 11:30 and monitored via camera feedback throughout the test. The subject sat on the floor for the first forty minutes. At 12:10, B-360 stood up, approached the paper shredder, and continued to stare at it with a blank expression until 16:59, at which point B-360 turned toward the camera and smiled. When the camera feedback came back online at 17:02, B-360 was revealed to be partially ground down, stuck headfirst in the shredder.



SUBJECT: C-357, a 35 y/o Latino female

VARIABLES: Compartment #5, equipped with an disused boiler

TEST RESULT: The subject was voluntarily placed in Compartment #5, and did not show any signs of distress until 17:00. Once the camera feedback malfunctioned, the trauma team intervened. At 17:02, when the team gained entry to Compartment #5, all they found was charred remains of the subject, yet the feedback went back online and showed subject C-357 circling the boiler and smiling at the camera.



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