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SCP Entry: #SCP-0346-F

Kamila Konys i Iga Włodarczyk

Object Class: Dangerous


Special Containment Procedures: The forest is guarded by electric fences, which were put up after many missing cases were reported. Entering the forest is strictly forbidden to anybody, regardless of clearance .

Description: This forest spans 40 kilometers in length and has an average width of 600 meters, with its widest point reaching 1 kilometer. The trees go up to an average height of 25 meters. At its deepest point, the forest reaches 250 meters below the surface. Despite its seemingly average size from above, covering an area of 24 square kilometers, it creates a labyrinth where travelers often become lost and never found. The forest is so tightly packed with trees that there is hardly any open space visible. Regardless of the season, the trees ensure an eternal cover over what goes down within the forest.

SCP-0346-F, known as the haunted forest, is a sneaky trap for those who explore its depths. Upon entering, the victims find themselves trapped within its tricky paths, unable to escape despite their efforts. Struggling with hunger and thirst, wanderers stumble upon a misleading stream of water, which offers to the person a false promise of relief. Drinking from it, they start to feel the reality shift, but not very noticeably. As they follow the stream's flow, hunger chews at their insides, making them ever so desperate. Terrible hallucinations torture their hearing, teasing them with animal sounds, and enticing them to follow them. Each time they turn around in hopes of finding the animal, they find nothing but emptiness. Yet, the noises grow louder, until finally, a creature appears once you turn around for the hundredth time. A deer, standing motionless. Though there is something off about it: there is an unexplainable difference between it and the rest of the animals. Driven mad by hunger, they run for the creature, ripping piece by piece out of its flesh, oblivious to the agony caused by themselves. With each bite, they feel the stinging intensifying. Only when they brutally finish consuming the last pieces of flesh off of the bones of the deer, do they realize the horrifying truth. They have been eating themselves all along.


Attempts to contain SCP-0346-F have been proven to be useless, as its haunted abilities are above all of the human physical abilities. Victims become unconscious participants in their own death, giving in to the forest's sinister being. Restrictions remain the same, as SCP-0346-F continues to prey upon pure souls, trapping them within its haunted self.



SUBJECT: F-846, a 26-year-old white male

TEST RESULTS: Placed within SCP-0346-F, subject showed increasing signs of stress as he tried to navigate the forest's misleading pathways. After approximately six (6) hours of wandering, F-846 encountered the false water stream and despite slight hesitation, he drank from it. Over the next several hours, the subject showed increasing symptoms of disorientation and paranoia, frequently pausing and turning around to listen to the hallucinated animal sounds. Upon encountering the deer illusion, F-846’s behavior became unpredictable, causing a wild attack on the animal. The subject proceeded to consume flesh from the deer. It wasn't until the subject had consumed a significant amount of his own arm that he began to grasp the reality of his situation, showing extreme horror in his eyes and attempting to run away before collapsing from shock and trauma.



SUBJECTS: F-965, a 21-year-old black female

TEST RESULTS: F-965 has shown interest in SCP-0346-F for the past few weeks and decided to enter the mysterious forest equipped with three bottles of water, three cans of unknown nourishment, and a kitchen knife. When F-965 entered the forest, she kept walking, looking around to find nothing unusual. All of a sudden, she came across a stream of water but decided not to drink it since she had her own water. F-965 decided to follow the stream since it was the only outstanding feature of the forest; it was almost as if it called out to her to follow it. After five days of walking mindlessly, F-965 decided to drink from the stream of water since she was out of her own supplies. F-965 kept hearing voices and looking around to find their source, but found nothing. She came across a deer, which was standing and looking at her, not frightened at all. F-965 ran towards the deer, not thinking straight out of hunger, and attacked the animal with her weapon, cutting through its flesh. It was only when she felt satisfied with how much she had eaten that she realized the whole time she had been cutting and eating herself.



SUBJECTS: F-293, a 39 year old white female

TEST RESULTS: Subject F-293 was equipped with a GPS device when entering SCP-0346-F. After walking straight forward for about one hour, the GPS malfunctioned completely, which led to F-293 being confused and anxious. The subject came upon a long, almost seemingly infinite stream of water, which she hesitantly drank from. She started to hear almost like animal noises which drove her mad, especially since she was so desperate for food. The effects worsened because of the water consumed, causing F-293 to attack a deer, resulting in irreversible injuries, which caused the subject's death.


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