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Just Do It And Be Brave

Julka Jezierska

Courage is the ability to control your fear of something dangerous or difficult. It involves various emotions, takes stepping out of own comfort zones, and plays a vital role in our lives. Courage can refer to many situations, such as the courage to take risks for example in business, the courage to dream, the courage to innovate, the courage to speak openly and express yourself and your opinion.

In today's article, let’s talk about the bravery it takes to dream big and step beyond our limits and comfort zones. I will refer to some very well-known advertising slogans and my own experiences of overcoming fear.

I'm guessing that most of you probably know such slogans as: Just do It!, Think different!, Impossible is nothing!, Don’t crack under pressure!, Gives you wings!, or Never stop exploring! These are the slogans of some of the largest companies, including Nike, Apple, Tag Heuer, or Red Bull. These slogans inspire us, challenge us, and encourage us to take risks in order to obtain satisfaction, and, at the same time, they create a dialogue between the brand and its customers. They also encourage us to take up new adventures, enact changes, and experience something new and extraordinary. These slogans not only encourage us to buy products, but at the same time they offer us a new and inspiring lifestyle associated with courage, willingness to make changes, and openness new opportunities.

I bet each of you has been in a situation when you had to get out of your comfort zone or try something new that you didn’t feel comfortable with. A few years ago my parents told me that I should go to a summer camp abroad. I agreed, but I wasn’t sure if I liked the idea. I was really stressed and I was questioning myself and looking for excuses for not going there, but I decided to be brave and I took on the challenge. I overcame my fears. I fought that nothing is impossible, and I wouldn’t crack under pressure. I did it!. In the end, I loved the camp, and I have gone to a similar one every year ever since then. New year, new challenges.

After all, I think that we shouldn’t be scared of anything. We should try to be better versions of ourselves and we should never stop exploring the world.

What are you waiting for? Don't hesitate! Just do It! Be brave!


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