Imagine yourself sitting in your room surrounded by the people you love, while listening to music and laughing. Now imagine yourself sitting at school, calculating the function h(x)=3/x+4 while the person next to you is shouting, people around you are talking, and the teacher is standing over your shoulder waiting for you to answer. Do you feel the same? Most people would say “no” because the environment you’re in changes the way you feel, and it can even influence your mental health. This is why your surroundings, both people and places, are crucial for a good life.
Most of us have their own rooms. They are places where you can find comfort, express yourself, and be who you truly are. We often decorate our rooms inspired by the things we’re interested in. Everybody’s room is different, it shows a piece of our personalities. We experience a lot of emotions in our private spaces: happiness, excitement, love, but also sadness, rage, stress, and disappointment. We show how we truly feel and express our real emotions. We can laugh if we want to, we can cry if we need to, we can scream if it helps. Why? Because it is a space made by and for us. One we feel most comfortable in.
Like everybody else we have to go to school where we need to face people we dislike and share a space with them. It can be frustrating – this is why most of us sometimes find school exhausting. School is not pleasant overall: you have to wake up early every day, sit there for 8 hours and be around people that annoy you while trying to study. Just seeing desks, chalkboards, or lockers you develop an aversion to staying in that kind of environment. Everybody has bad days – sometimes you just want to sit and cry, or you’re just angry and want to shout at everybody and everything, but you can’t. Unlike your room, school is a public place and it doesn’t give you an opportunity to express your feelings. You can’t fully express your emotions just because you’re upset at something or mad at somebody. It is necessary not only to follow the school rules, but also its morals. In your room you can show your goofy side whereas at school you might be too embarrassed about who they really are and might suppress or alter your actual personality. It just goes to show that school is an uncomfortable and draining place for some students.
Another form of a public place is a restaurant or cinema where you can go with your best friend. The difference between these types of shared spaces and school is that you choose to be there, and you pick the person to be there with you and place where you feel most comfortable in. When you find the right person, you feel more energized and fulfilled than being alone in your room. You can spend your time laughing and cracking immature jokes together or have a deep and emotional conversation with them. With your friends you don’t need to be afraid to be yourself, because they like you. Not only are you with a likeable person or people, but also at your favourite place where you find the decor and energy attractive.
As you can see, the people you’re around and the place you’re at have a strong influence on how you feel. A simple Maths test or your friends giggle can change your mood and your attitude for the whole day. That is why it’s important to keep an eye on who’s in your circle of friends. Unfortunately, we sometimes can’t change our environment, but that makes us stronger and helps us face our weaknesses.