Urszula Jurczakowska

I live in an isolated Texas town. Because I'm a shy, overweight 16-year-old boy – the exact opposite of the typical high school Texan – I'm frequently the subject of bullying. As you can imagine, they call me a variety of names, and “fatty” is the most flattering one I've ever received. My mother, brother, and I share a room in our run-down home; it's just the three of us. The only time I get entertained is when I go to a wealthy area with a friend and look at what I don't have. I get teased at school, and only have one friend who has remained by my side since we were friends in fourth grade, but no one knows what it's like to not to fit in anywhere. My home situation isn't helping, either. My mother was diagnosed with stage 3 illness and is nearing the end of her life. We can't afford life insurance, so even though I would do anything to help her, my brother and I have just been trying our best to assist her and make more memories with her as time goes by. You can see her smile and soul slowly but gradually fading away. You may be curious about my other parent, but he moved away with another woman to have a family that was wealthier. After returning from school, I prepared my mother's famous spaghetti and sat down to dinner with my brother and mom just to spend time together, especially for my mom-since these are probably her last days. We sat and chatted for hours. I started getting ready for bed slowly. Hoping that one day I'll collect enough money to save my mom from the disease that is ruining her life and own a home like those in rich districts, I washed the dishes, checked on my mom, took a fast shower, and went to bed.
As soon as I opened my eyes, I looked at the calendar and saw that it was Friday the thirteenth. "There is no way that people actually believe that this day is haunted," I thought to myself as I turned my head and realized that I was not in my room. "Where am I?" I told myself as I took a closer look around and saw that I was in a huge home with lavish, elegant furnishings. "What took place last night? "Why am I here?" I asked myself as I examined my surroundings and tried to remember what could have happened to me the other night. I couldn't understand what I was seeing until I passed a refrigerator. My reflection appeared more muscular and taller than normal. I was shocked as I hurried to the mirror to have a better look at myself. "I look like the football team's captain, Bryce." As I was trying to piece everything together, an older woman came up to me. I was already picturing the worst, her yelling at me to leave her house, but instead she told me to have a good day and called me "...Bryce." She smiled at me like a mother would. I merely said, "Thanks, mom?" while standing there clumsily. She must have been Bryce's mother because she didn't consider anything unusual when I said that. I came to terms with the notion that Bryce must be in my body and I must be in his.
I went to Bryce's closet and chose an outfit that I would never normally wear in an attempt to blend in so that no one would realize that I was simply my normal, uninteresting self in his body. His closet was the size of my entire house and resembled my complete wish list for the future. His house appeared to be a large, glorious estate with a colorful garden and an outside pool. After giving his place a closer look, I was astounded by all he had, including a movie theater, a swimming pool, a garden, a sauna, and a gym. "With an exclusive fitness center at home with a 30-inch TV, it's no wonder he's so muscular." “He’s so lucky” I thought to myself. How can be Bryce possibly whining about life when his closet is the size of the house I share with my mom and sibling? He has more than I could have ever asked for. I was genuinely bitter at the time and realized how unfair life is. I was already aware that my home was below average but every time I took a closer look at his home and his idyllic family, I became even more depressed that life had denied me all of that and took even more. When I stepped outside and saw his impressive car, which I could drive to school, I became preoccupied and distracted with my previous thoughts.
There were hordes of individuals who greeted and welcomed me as soon as I entered the school building. Since no one ever thought I could have played football, Bryce's football practice today offered me a reason to give it a try. It was a little concerning since, although I am meant to instruct them in this body, I am not even familiar with the basics of football. When I entered the gym locker room, I realized that I no longer needed to hide my body. I used to feel so self-conscious about it, but now that I was toned and had my ideal physique, I was no longer concerned about bullies and what people might think of me. Although I felt confident while I was on the field, people started approaching me after we had been playing for a bit to ask if I was okay or if I had been harmed since I was definitely playing much worse than normal Bryce, but I still loved every second of that game. As usual, I scribbled and doodled throughout an uninteresting history class. Normally, people would make fun of my drawings and art style, however this time, I hear someone say, "Those are such beautiful drawings, I had no idea you were such a skilled sketcher.” I was so amazed and grateful to her. I thanked her till she thought I was a complete freak, but that didn't matter. In the 16 years of my life, no one ever complimented my drawings. Since this is likely to be a one-day situation and Bryce is already naturally fortunate, I reasoned at that moment “maybe I should go to the store and get a lottery ticket now” I said half-jokingly, but then I realized it wasn't such a horrible idea.
I got in my car after school, drove to the closest store, and bought a lottery ticket. I entered the numbers quickly because I didn’t want to risk my luck by overthinking the numbers since even though I’m in Bryce’s body, it’s still my head. I simply put down any number that came to me hoping that Bryce thought of them in some way and prayed for the best. As soon as I glanced at the TV, I noticed that the numbers shown matched the ones on my lottery ticket. “I won,” I realised I was saying slowly, words that I thought I’d never say and are only spoken in movies and shows. With only one check, I could solve any issue I have in my daily life. In fact, I could save my own true mother from the disease that has been destroying her life.
I wanted to celebrate winning the check, so I hurried to Bryce's place. When I walked into my mansion, I saw Bryce's mother. I said, "guess what, mom!" in a playful manner, but she simply rolled her eyes and said, "Can't you see I'm on the phone, bother somebody else with your nonsense!" I felt a bit sad, so I figured that since I didn't grow up with a father, this could be my one and only chance to connect with one. Even if he isn't really mine, he must treat me like his son since I am in his body. However, he didn't want to do anything with me, either. Although I was aware that my family wasn't ideal, I wasn't treated like a burden by everyone. Especially because Bryce receives outstanding grades, is well-liked, popular, has friends, plays football, and has a scholarship. I thought that if I prepared a meal for them, we could enjoy a pleasant family meal and I could share my victory lottery ticket with them, just as I would at my real home. I started preparing the spaghetti I used to make with my actual mom when I was younger, and we now have it every Friday at my true home. They didn't show up at the table when I called them to eat, and when I had to go to each of them by hand, they both appeared unhappy. Their expressions definitely didn't improve when they saw my pasta and the reason I had called them. They made fun of me and thought I was a joke, even though it took me half an hour to put everything together and at least try to make it appear fancy by their standards. After making fun of me, they both just ordered me to quit wasting their time and shut me out. The feeling of loneliness came back to me. All of a sudden, I no longer felt fortunate. I assumed I was accustomed to the cruel remarks, bullying, and laughter, but not from parents. Even though I understood at the time that it wasn't my real mother and most definitely not my real father, it still seemed more difficult when, supposedly at least, I was their kid and they treated me worse than a stranger when all I had was good intentions. Perhaps Bryce wasn't that fortunate after all, and I made a snap judgment about him and his picture perfect family. In that moment, I just wanted to go back to my old life, leaving behind the massive closet, mansion, car, and friends if it meant being appreciated and seen by my family.
I pocketed the check and slowly got ready for bed after that large supper mocking. After taking a shower and borrowing some pyjamas because I didn't have any. I checked the time and saw that it was 23:54. I can return to my real mom, who needs me to be there with her, as the embarrassing but enjoyable experiences from Friday the 13th gradually come to an end.
I looked at the calendar when I opened my eyes and saw that it was "Saturday the 14th." My mom and brother were still sleeping on our old couch when I swiftly shifted my head from right to left and repeated it again. Looking around my house, I could acknowledge that it wasn't particularly elegant or lavishly decorated, that it was the size of a crumb compared to Bryce’s complete loaf of bread, and that we didn't have an outside pool or a backyard, but, at least for now, I did have my mom,. Later on, they woke up, and we had breakfast, which has been cereal for the past three years because it's the least expensive breakfast option. As I was just leaving for school I felt a piece of paper in my pocket. I gasped and said out loud, "Oh my god, I forgot." As my mom's and brothers' confusion was apparent, I was unable to contain myself any longer and told them that I had won the lottery yesterday and received a check for $10,000,000 USD, which would cover my mom's medical bills as well as the cost of a new house, a good college, new clothes, and other necessities. My brother was in utter shock, my family was thrilled, and no one ignored me this time. My mom broke down in tears and said that this was one of the best things that had ever happened to her. I felt happy and at peace with the world, as well as with myself, despite my mom and brother suffocating me with their tight hugs. Although everyone advises against giving second chances, I gave life one more chance in this particular case. I can honestly say that I've never been happier or more thankful for my family and this moment. “Is this why you have been acting so odd yesterday?” my brother asked me. I replied with a short yes, and was glad to have experienced this freaky Friday and exchange of bodies with Bryce It made me realize that money matters, but family matters more.