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Review: Mind Your Language

The first episodes of Mind Your Language introduce viewers to a comedic exploration of language learning, cultural diversity and the use of stereotypes.

This British sitcom from the late 1970s focuses on Mr. Brown, an English language teacher, and his group of students from many different countries. The humour in the show mainly revolves around stereotypes, presenting every character with exaggerated traits associated with their cultures. While the comedic approach was quite common in series from that era, it’s important to note that some of these stereotypes could be considered offensive and racist by today’s more sensitive watchers.

However, putting aside these concerns, the show still manages to make viewers laugh through the well-timed wordplay and the writing of each of the characters. Mr. Brown is quite charming and the chemistry among students adds to the shows overall appeal.

In conclusion, the first two episodes of Mind Your Language a light-hearted comedy, centred on various language barriers and cultural differences. While the series does not exactly align with today`s moral standards regarding stereotypes, the series remains a reminder of the old-days sitcoms and the comedic challenges of learning a foreign language in a culturally diverse class.


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